Van Driver Form Application
Secondary Email
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Email address *
Driver's First Name *
Driver's Last Name *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Cell Phone *
Work Phone *
Home Phone *
Date of Birth *
Name of Emergency Contact *
Phone Number of Emergency Contact *
Affiliation to SUNY Adirondack *
Driver's License # *
State of Issuance *
Number of moving violations with in the last three (3) years *
More than 5
Type(s) of Moving Violations *
I understand and agree to the following: *
To the best of my knowledge, the information recorded on this application is correct.
I understand and agree to the following: *
I understand that any misrepresentation or falsification of information may be sufficient cause for rejection of motor vehicle operation privileges.
I understand and agree to the following: *
I authorize to inquire and verify the information contained herein to include reviewing my motor vehicle record.
I understand and agree to the following: *
I agree to abide by all laws and regulations pertaining to the operation of motor vehicles, as well as College driving regulations.
* required field