Academic Eligibility
The following information is designed to assist student athletes as they register for classes for each subsequent semester, or for those who may at sometime want to participate at the Varsity level.
- All students who want to participate in athletics must be full-time. (Must carry at least 12 credits, but it is recommended that student athletes carry at least 15 credits)
- Full time students just entering college are immediately eligible.
- At the end of their first semester, all student athletes must have passed a minimum of 12 credits with a 2.0 cumulative GPA, and then pass at least 12 each semester thereafter. After their second semester, all student athletes must have a minimum of 24 credits with a 2.0 cumulative GPA.
- All second year athletes must pass a minimum of 12 credits per prior semester with a 2.0 cumulative GPA, or 12 times the number of prior full-time semesters with at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA. Additional credit hours may be taken during summer sessions and the winter term to raise grade point averages or accumulated credits, if necessary.
- Any student who starts full-time and drops to part-time, becomes immediately ineligible.
- Any student, who has transferred to SUNY Adirondack from another college must have their official transcript on file with the Registrar and Athletic Director. (Grade point rules, as stated above, still apply.)
- All student athletes must submit a current medical exam to the athletic office prior to the first scheduled practice of their sport.
- All student athletes should sign up for the sport when making schedules in order to receive one physical education credit.
- All student athletes should try to schedule all classes prior to 2:00 pm, during the fall semester, and prior to 12:00 pm during the spring semester. Many of the games are scheduled for 4, 5, or 6:00 pm in the Fall and 2, 3 or 4:00 pm during the Spring. Because some opponents are 2 to 3 hours away, early departure times could interfere with class time. Scheduling classes early avoids this problem.
- Any student athlete who misses a class because of game participation is responsible for making up all the work missed and is encouraged to speak with the instructor to make arrangements for this.
- Any student athlete who may need extra help is encouraged to visit the tutoring center or seek help from an advisor.
- All student athletes must attend all classes and must remain full-time for the duration of the semester they are competing.
- If a student athlete has a conflict with a class and practice, the student must attend class and make arrangements with their coach for make-ups.
- All student athletes must notify their coach and Athletic Director immediately prior to withdrawal from any classes. (Also, they should make them aware of any problems they are having in any of their classes.)
- Any student athlete who has a question or is unsure about their responsibilities or eligibility should see their coach or the Athletic Director immediately.
NOTE: The above eligibility rules are not complete. There are some exceptions and additions that may apply in certain situations. Please contact the Athletic Department if you have any questions.
(518) 743-2395 (Office)
(518) 832-7746 (Fax)